Flu Shots & Other Vaccines Linked to Lower Rates of Dementia

10/26/23 Washington Post: Flu shots may protect against the risk of Alzheimer’s, related dementias

An excerpt:

A number of studies have found that people receiving vaccinations for flu and several other infectious diseases appear less likely than the unvaccinated to develop dementia, although scientists aren’t sure why…

In the flu study, the researchers took participants from a national patient database, two groups of 935,887 each, one group vaccinated, the other not. To avoid the potential influence of various factors that could affect the results, the scientists ensured that each group shared many of the same characteristics… found that an annual flu vaccination for three consecutive years reduced the dementia risk 20 percent over the next four to eight years, while six shots doubled it to a 40-percent reduction…

“All this requires further studies, but vaccination, along with good diet, exercise, intellectual and emotional stimulation are key factors for healthy aging,” Hotez said.

The article notes reductions in dementia with Shingles vaccine, Tdap or Td, and pneumococcal vaccines.

These cliffs of the calanques (near Cassis, France) are about 260 meters in elevation