Jose Garza: What’s New in Motility (Part 2)

Dr. Jose Garza joined our group in 2013 and has been providing excellent care for children throughout the South with suspected motility disorders. Recently, he gave our group a fabulous update on what’s new in motility.  My notes below may contain errors in transcription and in omission. Along with my notes, I have included many of his slides.

FLIP -How Distensible is the Esophagus

  • Distensibility index less than 2 mm2/mmHg is considered abnormal.
  • Normal FLIP (presence of RACs and normal Distensibility Index) can obviate need for high resolution esophageal manometry (HREM)
  • FLIP during anesthesia can only be done with certain medications: versed, fentanyl and propofol (no gas)
  • FLIP  is useful  in evaluating if symptoms after achalasia treatment, during achalasia treatment (dilatation or Heller), if symptoms after fundoplication, and if manometry uncertain


Unable to Belch ( (Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction)

Sitz Markers

  • Guideline published suggest single xray on day 5 (usually off treatment). Cleanout recommended (especially if impacted)
  • Useful for non-retentive fecal soiling as well

Vibrating capsule


  • Emerging technology to help provide more data on defecation dysfunction


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