Esophageal Squamous Papilloma in the Pediatric Population

N Malhotra et al JPGN Reports 2022; doi: 10.1097/PG9.0000000000000178. Open Access: Esophageal Squamous Papilloma in the Pediatric Population

  • This is a case report of 4 cases of esophageal squamous papilloma (ESP); Three out of the 4 cases of ESP identified at our institution were positive for HPV in situ hybridization.
  • “Chronic mucosal irritation due to GERD or HPV is thought to be the most common cause of ESP…a recent study failed to identify a relationship between the prevalence of HPV and the occurrence of ESP in pediatric patients”
  • “Small esophageal lesions can be managed by excisional biopsy; however, conservative management is advised when the disease is extensive to avoid mucosal scarring and stenosis…Acid suppression may decrease ongoing inflammation.”
  • “Vaccinating children with active HPV infection could theoretically increase the immune response and potentially aid in clearance of lesions caused by the disease.”

Related blog post: Esophageal Squamous Papilloma in Children Are Rare