Upadacitinib Works Quickly and with High Response

D Ahuja et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2023; Open Access! Comparative Speed of Early Symptomatic Remission With Advanced Therapies for Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis Thanks to Ben Gold for this article.

Key findings:

  • On network meta-analysis of 14 RCTs, upadacitinib was more effective than all agents in achieving symptomatic remission at weeks 2 (range of RR, 2.85–6.27), 4 (range of RR, 1.78–2.37), and 6 (range of RR, 1.84–2.79). 

This study has a number of limitations including the following:

  • Potential differences in patient-level characteristics between these trials
  • Symptoms may not always correlate with endoscopic findings
  • Data from some medications (eg. tofacitinib) were incomplete and not included

My take: This study indicates an impressive early symptomatic response to upadacitinib compared to other agents for ulcerative colitis.

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